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Streamline administrative tasks while taking control of costs and time to focus on improving your business objecitves. Why arent you using your TUrnsignal?

Measure what matters, now.

Use is your financial risk by using your mileage log?


Unlock the hidden value of mileage logs.


2013 Mileage Log Case Study


What Does Your Mileage Work Flow Look Like?


What Does a Modern Day Mileage Log Look Like?


Measure What Matters

Many companies only meaure sales, sales cycles, activities and mileage. Because data is fragmented not all parts of the company can view relevant data when they need. TUrnsignal focuses on business travel costs and ROI so your employees dont have to. For the first time you will have the ability to measure, track and control sales activity and business travel costs. 

Take Control of Costs 

It costs $422 in company resources to get an appointment with a prospect. These costs should be challenged and offset to control costs of securing an appointment with prospects. 



  • 13% of employees use a mapping software to calculate business mileage

  • 90% of employees make mileage log and calculation errors

  • 1-2 hours a month is spent on logging mileage and expenses 

  • 37% submit mileage late


How is your mileage log contributing to the increase of When was the  was the last time your mobile employees to do one less administrative chore?


Explore Blaise Technologies Product Offerings

TUrnsignal Pro - App for Salesforce

Tracking and Measuring Business Travel ROI

Connecting CRM's and expense and acounting systems are the only way to track, manage and control costs associated with business travel ROI. Mileage is logged, but the opportunity is rarely followed up on. Becuase the associated mileage and costs for the business opportunity are stored and managed in a different system from where the progress and notes of the opportunitiy  are stored you will never truly understand how what your business travel ROI is. I need to clean this up...


Track and measure the sales cycle when it really matters, when it costs the company . Manage the sales cycle and business costs in one place. Increase the average deal size while lowering costs...


TUrnsignal CM
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